HOMEGetting to the CabinWhere to StayGeneral Info

General Info

WEATHER + HOW TO DRESS Our wedding will take place outdoors amongst the Ponderosa pines in the high desert forest. Daytime temps are high, night time temps are cool, and the ground is a little uneven and dusty. If ever there was a challenge to plan a day to night look, let our wedding be your invitation to take it head on. Wear something that can transition when the temps drop, shoes that you can dance on uneven ground in, and nothing so precious that it can’t take a layer of high desert dust. 

GIFTSIf you’d like to give us a gift, we graciously accept! We do not, however, have a gift registry. Feel free to bring a gift that is meaningful to you or if you would like to give a monetary gift, we are trying to pay for a new roof and a honeymoon this summer and could use all the help we can get. Please do not feel obligated to bring anything, your presence is a gift in and of itself.

$$ Click to Contribute to our Honeymoon and Roof Funds $$

**Please do not mail gifts to the cabin address. If you would like to mail us something send it to our home address (5131 SE 40th ave. Portland, OR 97202)

We will be providing a return shuttle from the cabin to downtown Bend at the end of the night. The shuttle will make hourly trips back to downtown Bend when the party starts to wind down. Seats are limited so just be aware of depature and arrival times. Trips will begin earlier in the night for the sleepiest among us and continue into the wee hours for the party animals.  

Uber + Lyft
Rideshare services like uber and lyft will take you from Bend to the cabin, as remote as the location looks it is only 15-20 minutes from the center of town.

Parking Info
There will be space to park near the cabin. You will see a sign that indicates where the parking area starts and stops. 

CampingFor any late night party-ers who would like to camp on the cabin grounds the night of the wedding, there will be space available for that - we just ask that you mark “yes, no or maybe” on the RSVP form so we can have a general idea of how many to expect. Camping at the wedding is low-key encouraged.

Some things to know:
- It gets very cold at night
- You will not have access to showers

<3 Leah loves Noah soooo much